The famous singer Cai Xu Kun once said, “Those who are ready will definitely get a candy” . The same applies whether it is singing, dancing, or renovating. As long as you are prepared, it will definitely bring convenience to your future. As the ancients once said, “If you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools.”Make the following preparations to make your renovation project go smoothly.

1. 【Plan】

Once the “purpose” of the house is determined, we can start to plan the “built-in decoration” of the house. It is necessary to decide the home style, activity area, space classification and so on. These will indirectly show the overall decoration concept. With the built-in concept of the house, the designer can accurately arrange the locations of the power sockets, water pipes, and air conditioners in the home. ⚡

2. 【Floor plan】

The floor plan is the best partner for interior designers. The floor plan can save the designer a lot of time to measure the house. Interior design emphasizes accuracy. With the floor plan, they can provide accurate design.

3. 【Permits】

While renovating, will definitely be noisy and dusty, which will inevitably “affect people around”. Therefore, all renovations need to apply to the community administrator to obtain a construction permit. The homeowner needs to remind the decoration workers to pay attention to the time that the construction can be carried out to avoid unnecessary trouble. It will not be worth it to come back to pay the ticket then.

4. 【Hidden works】

Hidden works such as water pipes, electrical lines, and foundation pillars are not available to be seen in ordinary floor plans, and these are hidden in the wall. None of these will be known by the designers. The homeowner need to get these “require relevant material preparation” from the developer. In this way, you can avoid touching the untouchable wall when designing, and avoid water leakage, power failure or even house collapse.

5. 【Basic furniture】

Some furniture needs to be “installed at the time of renovation”, for example, lamps, fans, air conditioners, hoods, stoves, and other furniture must be prepared for the designer in advance. The designer can make appropriate changes to the interior decoration according to the furniture you provide, so that the furniture can be comfortably integrated into your house. If you decide to renovate your house, get ready quickly and you will be rewarded.

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