For people who collect a lot of books, bookshelf is undoubtedly a must have furniture to them. But the bookshelf itself has many types and structures🤭. So how do you buy a bookshelf that are nice and practical? The following tips will introduce you to the methods and techniques of choosing a bookshelf.


Modern bookshelf designs are putting so much attention at beautifying it, causing the size of the shelf and capacity not align, which bring us an extremely waste of space💁‍♀️. So how do you choose a bookshelf which got the right size with enough capacity? That is of course to start by understanding the books you want to store, and at the same time including predicting the books you want to store in the future🍃. If you want to store up to 32-format books, there is way choosing a bookshelf design with a height and thickness of 16-format books. In addition, you can also look for flexible bookshelf designs, such as some that can adjust the height of the cabinet.


The strength of the bookshelf is very important⚠️. If you choose a fragile bookshelf, not only the bookshelf will be easily damaged💥, but it may even cause accidents or injury such as bookshelf collapsed. Therefore, when choosing a bookshelf, please consider the weight of the books and objects you want to store. If you want to choose a bookshelf with a high degree of strength, you can observe whether the horizontal and vertical supporting pillar of the bookshelf✨. The pillar needs to be strong, and where a longer shelf will need more amount of pillar to support at the middle💪.


The style of the bookshelf will depend on the use of the books or the habits of consumers. For example, if you want to collect some books 📚 that are rarely read out, you can choose a sealed shelf with a glass window, so that you can ❌ prevent dust from entering and display the books. On the contrary, if you want to store books that you often read, you can choose an open style to easy ourselves when want to take out the books and read😉.

📌Now the market is full of technological and flexible products, but the evolution and progress of bookshelf are still yet to be seen👀. I believe that most of us are looking forward to a new gen of bookshelf to be invented. So that readers 📖 will not need to struggle to find their suitable bookshelf. But for now, just follow the 3S above to choose a suitable bookshelf for your books to live in👍

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