What is the biggest problem after buying a house❓

Some people will say is loans, some people will say decoration, but most people think it is furniture.

Because most furniture is going to be used for several years to decades, consumers usually take extra thought while buying them. However, there are so many types of furniture for us to choose, and we simply cannot 🙅‍♂️ choose any furniture that looks nice.

Well, don’t need to discourage yourself, here we will help you to have better understanding about the material of the furniture through the following explanation🤭. Then we can choose the furniture that suits us😉.

Furniture materials can be divided into many types, the most common materials are wood, leather, cloth, rattan, metal, and glass. While Wood, leather, and cloth are the three major types that most consumers buy💰.

『Wood furniture』

• Wooden furniture itself can be classified as pure wood furniture, solid wood veneer furniture and wood combined furniture.

• Pure wood furniture is fully made of natural wood which is expensive.💵

• It is thick, durable, and has a high value for viewing and collection.

• Although the appearance of solid wood veneer furniture is almost the same as pure wood furniture, the internal structure is different✨.

• Wood combined furniture is made of a mixture of solid wood materials and artificial panels. From the appearance, practicality and price are considered relatively balanced materials.

『Leather furniture』

• There are many types of leather furniture materials, such as calfskin, horse skin, cow skin, pig skin, sheep skin, etc.

• High-end leather furniture is usually more expensive because the material has strong practicability and beauty🔝

• The appearance can also make the home appear elegant, gorgeous, and noble, very suitable for the luxurious style of the West.🤭

『Fabric furniture』

• Fabric furniture can be made of cotton, linen, flocking fabric, printing, suede, cut flannel, chemical fibre, jacquard, etc.

• The styles of the furniture produced are very flexible and open.👍

• The unique features give manufacturers to use it with other materials, such as wood, leather, rattan, etc.• Different fabrics will give a different feeling.🤏

• Fabric furniture is suitable for retro style, natural style, and modern minimalist style.

Now everyone may start to have this question in their minds💭, “Since so many furniture materials are explained, which one is suitable for the new home⭐?” Of course, it is up to everyone to make the decision, based on their own interests ✨ and budget. After reading the above content, everyone will sure ☑️ have some answers in their mind.

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