⚠️ Attention first buyers ⚠️

《3 wrong decoration concepts》

It is inevitable that there will always be a first time in life. No matter what it is, there will be a first time, and buying a house and interior decorating are no exception. 🔜However, mistakes are often made in the first time, so you must be fully prepared

❗Don’t let yourself make common mistakes that been made by others

❗Here we have sorted out the 3 most common mistakes in decoration concepts. 🤔

1. 【Colourful paint or wallpaper】🥴❌

Although colourful paints is very eye-catching 🎨, will give a very great first impression toward a person. But the colourful design concept is not suitable for use at home 🙅🏻‍♂️. Home is a place where you live for a long time. If you look at this strong tone every day, it will cause “visual fatigue” to the residents and cause “nerve depression”.

✅ Choose “Paint Colour Series” that will look natural and relaxing. Make sure the colour difference between rooms are not huge.

2. 【Greedy, choose impractical materials to cut budget💸❌

In order to reduce costs, choosing relatively “low-grade” materials for decoration will bring many unimaginable consequences in a long-time stamp😨. If a low-grade material are used in the cabinets, the materials cannot withstand humid air 💦, it will be easily mold and become fragile after a long time. Also, making cabinets that are not well tight when closed will attract a lot of insects into the cabinet. If the floor tiles doesn’t have good quality, they cannot withstand high pressure, and will cracks easily as time.

✅ Choose the right material! Remember to use materials that are heat resistant, waterproof, and those are able to resist high pressure. Don’t make yourself regret it in the later days.🤦‍♂️

3. 【The toilet is not decorated or decorated casually🛀❌

Most think that the toilet is a place that does not need a lot of renovation. They choose not to separate the wet and dry area in toilet, and the waterproof system is not perfect. 🤷‍♂️. In order to save money and trouble, not making wall tiles will cause “the paint easily dropped” and even “mould”, which is very unhygienic. 🕸A toilet without a well-ventilated system will also cause the toilet to stay in a “damp” state for a long time, which is “easy to parasite bacteria”. 👾

✅ The toilet adopts the design of “dry and wet separation” to ensure perfect waterproofing of the ground. Make “Wall Bricks” everywhere below the spray head to avoid water in the wall. Make sure there are “vents” or use a ventilation fan to circulate the air in the toilet. 🌫

You should not rush while renovating your first house. 📝Spend more time to prepare and plan. You can also seek professional help 👨‍💼 to make sure you don’t make unnecessary mistakes. 📑You must do your homework before decorating the house, measure the design and calculate the budget you want. 💵Be careful, and make sure that you don’t spend unnecessary money. Get the renovation done correctly, so you can save a lot of maintenance money and trouble in the future.

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